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Spirituality Blog
Creating Healthy Relationships
Creating Healthy Relationships Creating healthy relationships with family, friends and a partner takes work, and is so worth it. It can be a self healing journey. To live a life of emotional freedom is my inner goal. One where I can set boundaries comfortably and take...
Surrendering and Boundaries
Surrendering is a Powerful Skill; as is Having Boundaries. Surrendering is something I have a lot of experience with, while meditating. Having recently returned from an excursion in India, I must say how grateful I am that I deeply knew how to surrender before I went....
Mirroring to Create Change
Mirroring is a Powerful Exercise to create Inner Change Mirroring is a touchy subject as most people know about it, but don't do it as an exercise to awaken and create change. Ok, so this is a hard subject, stay with me here. Many people are upset with Donald Trump...
Sleep Paralysis
Sleep paralysis isn't a neurosis, a base fear, a nightmare, or a hallucination. I am here to tell you that it could well be a real experience. Have you felt that sensation when lying in bed, of being awake and unable to move? Of having a weight on your chest, and...
Death From a Shamanic Perspective
Modern civilization has lost rituals around the death process and death from a shamanic perspective can help society. It is important to understand these rituals, so that you can grieve as well as protect your energy. Also, to best support someone who is dying...
The Tender Process of Opening the Heart
Experiencing a Heart Opening is a tender process that can be learned Have you ever noticed how sometimes people fall in love, and then one person sabotages it or gets upset at their partner? Usually is over something minor? That minor thing can get blown out of...
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