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Spirituality Blog
Heal The Will Center for a stronger sense of Self and vitality
Benefits of fostering the will center The will center is in the belly chakra. It works with the solar plexus chakra. There are often areas shut down in the belly affecting the sense of Self and one's will. Years ago I car pooled with a Waldorf family and I was...
A Day In The Life
She sat at the kitchen table looking out the window. She sat there feeling an inner scream. She got up. Made herself a cup of tea being present with her inner scream. She sat containing it within herself. There was no need to figure out anything. She gave herself this...
When someone exits your life.
Words spoken to me by Mary Magdalene. I thought I would share them. It is important to realize people come in and out of our lives depending on where we are at - that time. It is not to say anything is wrong with you. Hold the greatest good for that person. Don't...
The Mouth For Healing Support
Your Mouth Has Meridians Your energy and your mouth closely relate. I say this because in 2016 I went to the Gerson clinic for two weeks to support a friend. This is a clinic in Mexico that specializes in healing cancer and other diseases. They are in Mexico as big...
Meditation While Raising Children
Meditation while raising children often do not go hand in hand. Finding the time to meditate can be difficult. However, developing my deep solo meditation practice at home has benefited my family far more than I had ever anticipated. My husband and I committed to...
Awakening out of the System
Enslavement: Being partisan keeps us divided and enslaved It is my thought that being partisan keeps people separate from each other and in the enslavement game from the powers that be. Who are the powers that be? Well, I don't know, but they are obviously in the...
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