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Spirituality Blog
Enhancing Spiritual Connection
Being in a relationship for 25 years has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my lifetime. This is half my life. For the last 12 years, my marriage has felt like a fairy tale. In fact, the other day I overheard someone describing her desire for a...
Energetic Attachments Influence Your Consciousness
Energetic attachment explanation It is more common than people know to have caught an energetic attachment. These parasitic attachments create all sorts of health issues. When most people think of an energetic attachment, also known as an entity, they think of the...
Entites create Isolating /Insular/Negative Thoughts
Isolating/Insular/Negative Thoughts Might Not Even Be Yours!! Recently I spent some time with some of my favorite people who do not know about entities. They are really good hearted people. If they did understand this subject, perhaps they could have influenced their...
Shadow work and the Source
Shadow Alchemy Work Leads You to the Source the Divine, to Your Self I am captivated by own internal shadow work, as it is alchemy when done in energy work. It is where I dive into my own reactions. Where the session is held by someone who can hold me in the light of...
Clearing A Ghost
I recently cleared an entity ( ghost ) off some land. Some would call this an exorcism. It was an Indian. I saw how there was a whole tribe that he was connected to at that time and a whole way of life that he loved. It felt really nice, yet there he was a part of...
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