Get me off this planet Earth but wait there is Earth Magic here!

Do you ever feel like you do not want to come back to this planet Earth? I sure have. Years ago, that is what drove me to work so much on healing my inner life. I thought the result would be evolving to never come back to this crazy planet. Then this unexpected transformation started to happen to me. I fell in love with humans and this place called Earth. Then after much meditation that focuses on mapping consciousness, which we offer, I opened to earth magic and the love of being here.


Earth Magic and You

The Earth has healing power beyond what most have tapped into. There are portals, realms upon realms and magical Beings. We are so lucky to be here. I hope this video inspires you to go out in nature and delve deep into her. Transformation and earth magic await. Whenever there is a place that you fall in love with there is more there beyond the ordinary mental consciousness. In one-on-one Nature Activation sessions, I have seen people been given gifts of crystals, initiations, healing, and blessings from these magical forces. I have seen people bathed in magical waters and taught by other worldly teachers. This can happen for you in Nature Activation sessions.

earth magic

Just Be on the Earth in nature

Before a Nature Activation session is possible, you need to really know and feel a place on the land. Sit, walk, and fall in love with a place. You can find known power spots and unknown. Some of my best magic experiences have been ordinary places in nature. So, get out there and have fun bathing, being and sensing. Receive from this powerful planet earth.

Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude

Play with offerings to a place that you love. Some suggestions are to give tobacco, a strand of your hair, or create an all-natural art instillation. One thing you can do is send prayers and gratitude to the area and walk blessing the area. All of this helps cultivate a heart of gratitude which simply helps you open more and be more receptive to wonderful things that are there. Maybe you will be visited in your dream world. After all this planet is magical.