Earth magic

Get me off this planet Earth but wait there is Earth Magic here! Do you ever feel like you do not want to come back to this planet Earth? I sure have. Years ago, that is what drove me to work so much on healing my inner life. I thought the result would be evolving to...
Spirituality and Postpartum Depression

Spirituality and Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression can be caused by an energetic loss, fragmented energies from the delivery and trauma from the birth process. The Golden Seed Of Creation And Postpartum Depression There is a...


Inner Sight Healing Work gives you inner freedom from conditioning and reactions that cause dis-ease. SCHEDULE TRANSFORMATIONAL PACKAGE   Sessions in person or on-line Sessions are designedto get you there. In this modern day deep healing work you will access...

The Mouth For Healing Support

Your Mouth Has Meridians Your energy and your mouth closely relate.  I say this because in 2016 I went to the Gerson clinic for two weeks to support a friend. This is a clinic in Mexico that specializes in healing cancer and other diseases.  They are in Mexico as big...